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Hemant Sharadchandra Vadalkar

B.E. (Civil) – 1986  College of Engineering Poona - University of Poona.
M.E. (Struct.) – 1989 V. J. T. I.,  Mumbai –  Mumbai University.

Member of the Institution of Engineers (India).
Indian Society of Structural Engineers – Advisory Trustee.
Member of American Concrete Institute - India Chapter.
Associate (Life) Member of the Institution of Valuers.
Life Member of the Practicing Engineers, Architects and Town Planners Association.

M.E. (Structures) “Gold Medal“ for the year 1989, - University of Bombay.

Professional career :

1994-2006 :
Partner in the Consulting Firm “Vartak – Vadalkar & Associates” Designed many civil engineering projects like Industrial, commercial, housing and other utility projects.

1989- 1994 :
Shirish Patel & Associates Consultants Private Limited, Mumbai. As a Senior Design Engineer.  During these five years handled STAAD analysis, design, detailing, estimating and occasional site supervision for various projects such as:

  1. Various small housing units, office and /or residential apartment Buildings.
  2. RCC Railway station buildings-cum-shopping complexes at New Bombay, namely Juinagar, Nerul  and Sanpada. Subways,
    Pedestrian bridges and road bridges around the stations.
  3. Industrial Complex at Pithampur – Industrial sheds, Gantry Girders, Machine foundations, office buildings, etc. for Larsen & Toubro Limited, Indore.
  4. Kokan Railway Corp. Ltd. : Wayside railway station  buildings and housing colonies.
  5. New MLA’s Hostel at Bombay – Analysis and occasional site supervision for high – rise buildings (19 storey).
  6. Powder plant building of the National Dairy Development  Board, at Gandhinagar  for L & T Ltd

1986-1987 :
Dharamsi Morarji Chemicals Co. Ltd. At Ambernath. Supervised. The  construction of 36 Mt. High Silo. Design and Estimation for the extension of factory buildings. Site Engineer for the construction of new plant at Dhari (Amreli) in Gujarat State.

Computer Programming :
Developed Engineering Analysis and Design programmes for in- house use in the design office using Fortran, C, Spread sheets.

Publications :

  1. Published a paper “ Innovative Designs for platform covers at New Mumbai Railway stations” in the Indian Concrete Journal, May 1992.
  2. Presented a paper “ Designing with spread sheets on your own” at the National Seminar held at Nagpur, February 1993.
  3. Published a paper on New Mumbai Railway Stations “Off the beaten track“ in Indian Architect and Builder, Dec. 1995.
  4. Published various technical articles in the Journal of Indian Society of Structural Engineers

Activities :
Arranged many technical seminars on software tools and active participation in conducting technical seminars / workshops for The Institution of Engineers and Indian Society of Structural Engineers as a member of technical committee.



Our Advisor :
Shri. A. B. Karnik - Senior Consulting Structural Engineer

We gratefully acknowledge the encouragement and guidance from respected personalities like :

Prof. S. Sundaram Ex. Principal, V.J.T.I.
Shirish Patel SPA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
Dr. V. V. Nori SPA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
Kamal Hadker Sterling Engineering Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
A. B. Karnik Consulting Structural Engineer, Mumbai.
P. H. Srinivasachar SPA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
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